
Learning is a lifeline process that doesn’t take place only through a lecture or a textbook.  We believe that learning involves active engagement and participation in hands-on experiences, collaboration, discussion and team work. We find this balance creates young men who are ready for the rigors of academia, but also able to do things, not just learn about them. Growing by learning and doing.

Not Your Standard Classroom

All students should be challenged to think critically, explore their ideas, and set goals to measure their growth. Our Days are intentionally 50% Academic and 50% Experiential. We find this balance creates young men who are ready for the rigors of academia, but also able to do things, not just learn about them.

Core Academic Areas

10X Academy is a Christian school that teaches the inerrancy of the Bible and the applicability of God’s Word to living a purposeful and fulfilling life. Our Code of Honor is composed of principles that all map directly to this prescription for boys as they grow into men. Service, Teamwork, Responsibility, Faith, and Integrity are Christian fundamentals. Through their academic and project teams, our boys will be taught and evaluated against this essential framework for character development. Though 10X Academy is a Christian school and will teach and adhere to these pillars of the faith, we are open to students of any and all religious backgrounds.

  • Students need to understand software development and data to contribute to the ever changing world of technology.

  • Students need to use reasoning and probability to solve practical problems.

  • Students need to be able to speak and write with purpose and eloquence.

  • Gives students the foundation for our lives, allowing us to grow in faith and lead purpose driven lives that support our families, communities, and world.

  • Gives students scope and depth to better solve problems and understand the core tenets of successful nations and civilizations.

  • Allows students to better understand our world, further searching and strengthening our understanding of ourselves and God’s universe.

10X Core Concepts

  • At the beginning of each season, our students will be placed into teams of 4 in order to compete in a variety of areas. Awards are given to the top team in: Academics, Athletics, Project Based Learning, and Code of Honor. An overall team champion is also determined. The teams are reshuffled at the beginning of each 6-week season.

  • Project Based Learning is a key part of the vision of 10X Academy. We believe boys learn best when solving real world problems. 3 Days per week, students are in their teams working on designing projects and learning skills in a variety of areas. Some examples of PBL projects are: creating skateboards, building sumo bots, and creating an aquaponics system. Also included in this area are a variety of elective offerings for our students to engage their creative interests. These can rotate per season and range from video editing and production to music and art.

  • We want our students to be world ready when they leave 10X Academy. As such, we teach them everyday skills like changing a tire, wiring a socket, grilling hamburgers. These lessons generally happen 1-2x per week.

  • Each season, the students will devise and execute a community service project. These projects may vary in scope, but will be designed to serve the needs of our local Escondido Community and the San Diego Community at large.

  • At 10X Academy, we’ve adopted mastery based learning in order to ensure that our students are making adequate progress. We want them to become self-directed, independent learners. As such, having a systematic approach to showing them the steps in their own learning allows them to continue to challenge themselves each and every day.